Live to Glorify

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The Revealing of the Sons of God

This morning while awake, the Lord took over my vision with a series of photos. He showed me Navy officers marching on green pastures – they all wore navy blue and looked identical. Above were many hot air balloons – also navy blue – with the Popeyes logo on them.

I then began audibly hearing a gathering of people loudly talking. It was my immediate and extended family, and this continued for about 15s. Their chatter faded out and I heard a telephone ring. A radio host picked up the phone and began dialoguing with a caller on his show about Jesus.

Availing Prayers

I asked the Lord what this meant, and I believe He is saying this:

The Lord has been collecting the prayers (Rev. 8:4) of the saints who dwell in the secret place (Psalm 91:1). These fervent and effectual prayers of righteous men (James 5:16) – spoken with tongues that understand they hold the power of death and life (Prov. 18:21) – are fueled by Christ in them (Gal. 2:20), who is an all consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). These prayers, spoken by mouthpieces of the Lord, are living breath fueled by fire, and have risen to the heavens to accomplish what they were sent out to do (Isaiah 55:11). The Hebrew word behind spirit is "ruach", and it means "air in motion." It is the same word for "breath." These prayers are the hot air balloons.

Conformed to His Image

The Popeyes logo speaks to sailors with supernatural strength, which represents this heavenly Navy.

The Navy are those who dwell in living waters, which is the Spirit (Jeremiah 2:13). They’re marching out of their natural habitat – the secret place – onto green pastures, per Psalm 23. They look identical because they have been conforming themselves to the image of God (2 Cor. 3:18). The Lord impressed on me Romans 8:19 – For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.

Coming out of Hiding

The revealing of the sons of God who have prepared in hiddenness, in the secret place, is coming, and they will be carriers of greater things (John 14:12). They will advance the Kingdom of the Lord with greater power than all the assembled armies of the world, (Eph. 6:12 > Luke 10:19), and it will cause such a stir, that communities and mainstream news will be dripping with the name of Jesus, both good and bad.

“They will advance the Kingdom of the Lord with greater power than all the assembled armies of the world”

A Call to Prepare

Psalm 91 is coming! Dwell in the secret place of the Most High that you would abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1), lest you fall with the thousand and the ten thousand (Psalm 91:7). The Lord is calling you to greater things! Pick up! (Jeremiah 33:3)*

*Immediately as I finished typing Jeremiah 33:3, the Bible verse of the day notification appeared on my phone: Jeremiah 33:3. Hear the still small voice, He is calling to you!

See this gallery in the original post