Seer Activation: Looking with Closed Eyes


A simple exercise that prompts vague images and clear images for those interested. This has worked for the handful of people I’ve given it to. I find it most fruitful in bed, tired but awake, middle of night or early morning. Body is calm and relaxed, half asleep or so. Don’t make this is a formula – it’s a starting point.

The Exercise

“Look” with your eyes closed. Look as if there’s an object of focus standing six feet in front of you. You’ll know you’re doing it if it’s not as restful as sleeping and there’s some mild strain/effort. If you do this for a few minutes – likely longer at first until it becomes somewhat normative – images, static or moving, should begin appearing. For some this will begin as mind’s eye images.

When the images appear, sometimes you may find if you look directly at them, or are startled as a result, they fade. Try to keep a lazy focus, as if a bus was driving by you and you’re aware it’s there so not to walk in front of it, but you’re not following it with your eye so that you can make out the advertisement on the buses side. Other times, you’ll find you can stare directly at them, navigate them, etc., and it may even increase clarity to do so. Play with it, see what works for you, but maintain peace.

You Must Interpret

Think Biblically: even images as simple as a fruit basket, boiling water, and a rod of an almond tree had deep meanings. I find it’s beneficial to interpret them on-the-spot, as more images tend to follow this response. It may be best to record upon waking so not to interrupt the flow of images, unless a singular one is significant enough where it’s worth it to do so.

Intercession & Spirit Beings

If you see faces/people, it may be a call to intercession—inquire of the Lord. Sometimes people are present for their namesake, character disposition, and other associations the Lord wants you to make. If you don’t know of them, it’s likely for the purpose of intercession.

If you see demons, inquire of the Lord – whether to cast them out, repent of something opening you up to their presence, and so forth.

If you see angels, test them by asking them if Jesus Christ of Nazareth came in the flesh. They understand this is scriptural protocol and will comply.


Praise is a Portal to Presence


Seer Definitions