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A Visit from an Angel of Delight

A Compromised Church

Last night I was disheartened and upset over the state of the church: that so many leaders would be in bondage to pornography. When I posted about this issue on my personal Facebook page, professing Christians I never hear from spoke out in defence of hyper grace, which permits such immorality, completely dismissing the issue at hand and propagating a lifestyle of sin, void of transformation.

My wife, Rubie, went on to tell me of a Christian friend who didn’t want to talk about God as it “killed the vibe”, and I couldn’t understand how we’ve conformed so closely to the world. I thought to the Lord, “How do your true prophets who call the bride to holiness and consecration endure such deceived opposition from within the body?”

What the Eye Beholds

I went to bed unsettled and the Lord began to instruct me in the night. I dreamed I was in the basement of a home, and an animated television show began to play. There were multiples of the same characters, with eyes looking at their own eyes, mouths looking at their own mouths. I then saw darkness, and within was a monstrously large black arm with huge, black claws. I thought to myself, “How can I expose my eye to such things when this is the type of imagery and encounters it manifests in stillness? I don’t want to think about this when I’m with the Lord.” This repeated once more. This was a cartoon, how much more for pornography?

I sat on the couch with Rubie in this pitch-black basement in front of a turned-off television, closed my eyes and took delight. I thought, “How lovely it is to be rid of these things, that I never have to fear in the dark, for the Lord is always with me. As I pursue Him in holiness, He is always with me.” I sat there meditating on and delighting in the Lord, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with the presence of God as an angel stood right over (and what felt like right through) me. In my dream, I opened my eyes to see the angel, and it caused me to open my eyes in the natural, which woke me from the dream.

A Visitation & A Heavenly Coat of Arms

I looked to the blank wall in front of me and it was totally covered with an intricate coat of arms, and it kept panning to reveal more. The angel was revealing to me a royal, heavenly coat of arms/family crest.

The glory of the Lord emanating from this angel was overwhelming and continued for about 20-30 seconds. It felt as though my body was entirely filled with tangible light, dialed up in extreme brilliance, and I was in complete peace and awe as I felt the angel directly over me, refreshing me from discouragement. During this time I had an insatiable desire for more of Jesus. After this ended and for the next number of minutes, I felt waves of this light continue pulsating through me as I praised the Lord.

A Needed Reminder

The Lord showed me that when we fail to examine our own eyes and mouths, looking to what is unholy, eating and speaking what is unholy, we are gripped by darkness. But when we do, it frees us up to truly delight in Him.

“The Lord showed me that when we fail to examine our own eyes and mouths, looking to what is unholy, eating and speaking what is unholy, we are gripped by darkness. But when we do, it frees us up to truly delight in Him.”

He showed me that when it feels like you’re alone in the dark, He is with you, and all of heaven is backing you up, fighting with you. When you feel like a foreigner, remember that your citizenship is in Heaven, and you are part of a royal priesthood not of this world. That our eye is to be single on Jesus, looking not to that which is seen, but to that which is unseen.

Church, let us consecrate ourselves and speak up with confidence against the compromise within, for “sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.” (Eph. 5:3)

I now understood how the Lord’s prophets endure while admonishing an accommodating, compromised bride: delight in the Lord! What privilege!

See this gallery in the original post